Customer satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or exceed customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as "the number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services exceeds specified satisfaction goals. Within organizations, customer satisfaction ratings can have dominant effects. They focus employees on the importance of satisfying customers' expectations. In a cutthroat marketplace where businesses struggle for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as an input differentiator and more and more has become a key element of business strategy.
For many years the center of attention of customer satisfaction has been on the agenda, in recent time this has gained speedily. According to the DGs' resolution of May 2006, the main focal point of the common European work and efforts regarding customer satisfaction should be on the compilation of best practices and the preparation of strategies for questionnaires to measure customer satisfaction.
Quality assurance, or QA for short, is the orderly monitoring and assessment of a variety of aspects of a project, service or facility to make best use of the probability that minimum standards of quality are being attained by the production process. QA cannot absolutely assure the production of quality products. Quality is determined by the product users, clients or customers, not by society in general. It is not the equivalent to expensive or high quality. Low priced products can be considered as having high quality if the product users verify them as such.
Since the commencement of the Bank in 1957, NBB has actively pursued a dedicated Corporate Social Responsibility programmed. The programme was conceptualized to support community development in the Kingdom and provide a better quality of life to all its residents. The Bank has continually endeavored to grow its business in a socially responsible way while addressing the business interests of our stakeholders.