
5 年前 331次浏览 北美教育学作业代写:种族学历薪水研究已关闭评论



This paper considers the college wage premium for both whites and non-whites. We use data from IPUMS for the 1980 and 2014 sample. Our results suggest that over the thirty-four-year period, the college wage premium has increased across wage. For the whites, the college wage premium increased from 38% in 1980 to 59% in 2014. In addition, that of the non-whites increased from 43% to 66% between the two periods. Most importantly, for both race, the rise in the wage premium is higher for the non-whites than the whites. An explanation for the increase in the wage premium across race is due to the technological advancement in most sectors of the economy. The use of advanced technology in industries has resulted in an increase in the demand for skilled personnel who have the requisite knowledge. Moreover, we find the wage premium to be higher for the non-whites than the whites within each period. The rise in the wage gap among the non-whites than the whites over the period can be attributed to the differences in the geographical location for both groups. Most whites reside in well-developed districts than the non-whites. The effect is that children raised from good family background have access to quality education at the expense of the non-whites who are financially deprived. Because of this, the wages of white high school graduates are higher than the non-whites. We therefore assert that, it is possible for the college wage premium for the non-whites to be higher than the whites.

