虽然国内对公司治理问题的研究相对较多,但中国银行业的公司治理问题一直被忽视(Yan, 2008)。燕(2008)进行了一项研究证实,中国银行业相对低水平的公司治理标准,这导致了中国银行业治理不善就像建立上鞋楦的研究者进一步认为,国家所有权集中在中国银行业的主要因素导致无效的公司治理在中国银行业和进一步推荐私有化的银行。本研究是在一年后建立中国银行业治理状况研究的基础上发展起来的。本研究将采用选取的公司治理因素与公司绩效之间关系的研究方法,为我国上市银行机构确定对公司绩效有重要影响的公司治理政策问题。该研究将关注从2007年至2016年过去10年的公司财务业绩数据。本研究的财务研究报告中记载的信息对各方都是至关重要的,既有直接的,也有间接的。预计将从这份研究报告中明确受益的各方包括:中国证监会(CSRC)、中国银行业机构、中国银行业监督管理委员会(CBRC)以及对企业治理和企业绩效领域感兴趣的经济研究人员。
Corporate governance has been defined by different researchers in different ways. Julia (1998) defined corporate governance as the composition of a general meeting, the board of directors in a company, board meeting, independency meeting, frequency elections and board composition in an entity. The Organization of Economic Corporation and development (2011) provides that, corporate governance purposely focuses on the ways that interested parties in wellbeing of a firm ensure managers and insiders take appropriate measures or they are able to adopt systems that safeguard the interests of the stakeholders.Corporate governance in China received significant attention as China moved from a planned economy to a market economy (oecd.org, 2011, p. 13). The development and growth of China’s capital market and evolution of entities in China from being government affiliates to become modern companies have made it necessary in establishing a new corporate governance framework. The banking industry is one of the industries that were greatly affected by their affiliation by the government since the banks were all state-owned.