
5 年前 509次浏览 北美留学生代写作业:研究的结果已关闭评论



It is hoped that results of present study will create a sense of awareness in the general public as well as the designers of educational institutions regarding the factors responsible for Job Satisfaction. The results of this study will greatly help the administration to determine policies and strategies to make Teachers stay in the academe. As a result it may possible to provide the most conducive atmosphere for effective teaching. Such type of work will be useful to institutions to retain their Teachers and increase their involvement in the institution. Moreover, causes of dissatisfaction, once discovered, can easily be cured thus leading to improved Job Satisfaction. It will also help to improve the quality of education.Moreover, this study on Job Satisfaction on College Teachers of Professional and Non-Professional Institutions in Punjab will not only be useful for administrators and others who influence the working climate, but, it might also be useful for the present and future College Teachers while making personal decisions about their future careers. Thus, Job Satisfaction is good not only for employees but also for the employers, as it increases productivity and decreases staff turnover thus increasing creativity and commitment.

