
5 年前 298次浏览 北美社会学作业代写:性行为的监控已关闭评论

塞尔玛·n·卡尔(Selma N. Caal)在2008年对高风险的性行为进行了广泛的研究。Caal报告说,家庭关系紧密、同伴规范较低的青少年发生性行为的风险较低;然而,家庭凝聚力强、同龄人行为规范高的青少年发生性行为的风险较高。来自低凝聚力家庭的年轻人不会把自己的性取向建立在同龄人的基础上。如果青年认为同龄人是好的和从事性行为,那么他们更有可能是性活跃自己在青春期青少年尝试独立于他们的父母,成为接近同龄人,所以父母交流关于性行为对青少年的性活动是至关重要的。父母离开孩子的时间越长,就越有可能做出危险的行为。在一个双父母都有全职工作的时代,保持沟通和执行规则比以往任何时候都要困难。年龄也是危险性行为的一个因素;随着年龄的增长,年轻人更有可能出现这种行为,这可能是因为他们的性成熟程度。此外,媒体在青少年性行为中扮演着非常重要的角色,因为他们经常接触到它,并可以发送信息,高风险的性行为是受欢迎和接受的。青少年从事性活动的年龄每年都在下降,这是一个值得关注的问题,它证明我们的青少年不仅应该在家里,而且应该在学校系统中受到更好的教育和监控。通过教育我们的青少年并让他们承担更多的责任,可以显著减少青少年高危性行为的数量。青少年权益倡导组织报告说,学校性教育的有效性降低了少女怀孕率,降低了从事无保护措施性行为的青少年人数,同时也推迟了性行为的发生.


An extensive study has been conducted by Selma N. Caal, in 2008, on high-risk sexual behavior. Caal reported that youth with highly cohesive families and low peer norms reported low risk sexual behavior; however, youth with highly cohesive families and high peer norms reported high risk sex . Youth coming from low cohesive families did not base their sexuality on their peers. If youth perceived that the peers were okay with and engaging in sexual behavior then they were more likely to be sexually active themselves During adolescence teens try to separate from their parents and become closer to their peers, so parental communication regarding sexual behavior is crucial to the youth’s sexual activity. The more time that parents spend away from their children, the more room for risky behavior. In a time when dual parents are working full-time jobs is it harder than ever to stay in communication and enforce rules.Age also plays a factor with risky sexual behavior; as older youth were more likely for this behavior, possibly because of their sexual maturity level. Also media plays a very strong role in adolescent sexual behavior as they are exposed to it constantly, and can send messages that high-risk sexual behavior is welcomed and accepted.The age of youth engaging in sexual activity drops each year and is a great concern which proves that our youth should be better educated and monitored not only at home but also in the school system. The numbers of high-risk sexual behavior adolescents could be significantly reduced by educating our youth and holding them more accountable. Advocate for Youth reports the effectiveness of sexual education in schools has contributed to lower numbers in teen pregnancy, lower numbers of youth engaging in unprotected sex, and also delayed initiation of sexual behavior altogether

