Economics Assignment 代写 PESTEL analysis of Mexicos oil market

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ENI is an Italy's largest oil company and seventh largest oil company in the world. Head quartered in Italy operates in oil, natural gas, electricity generation and sale, oiled services construction, petrochemicals, and engineering. ENI policy is to "'more based on making the most of people, contributing to the development and well-being of the communities with which it works protecting the environment, investing in the technological innovation and energy efficiency, as well as mitigating the risks of climate change." ENI is well established company in the oil industry with of $680 million worth of assets around the globe, operating in 77 countries with 78400 employees. ENI is more towards exploration and production of oil and gases. The mission and vision seems to be of the company as follows.


"We are a major integrated energy company, committed to growth in the activities of finding, producing, transporting, transforming and marketing oil and gas.

Eni men and women have a passion for challenges, continuous improvement, excellence and particularly value people, the environment and integrity."


"Eni is an integrated energy company, committed to developing its activities in research, production, transport, transformation and marketing of oil and natural gas"

Eni plans to sustain a strong production growth in the near future forcing upon internal development and targeting over 1.8 million barrels on equivalent /day in 2011 (a yearly average increase of approximately 6%). Eni's confirmed reserved achieved over 7 billion barrels on equivalent. Even though

