
8 年前 332次浏览 加拿大社会学论文代写:种族歧视已关闭评论

在美国,西班牙裔和非洲裔美国人等少数民族的人是最容易受媒体影响的受害者。在一个受欢迎的电视节目,警察,大多数嫌疑人是黑人。尽管美国黑人人口占约13%,好像犯罪世界是由黑人(Felgner,2000)。因为电视节目像警察,当人们被问到谁是可能强奸和谋杀等犯罪,很多人会回答黑人。然而,根据美国司法部(Department of Justice),2002年,74%的强奸受害者涉及一个白人女性。白人男性占84%的强奸嫌疑犯。



In America, people who are minorities such as Hispanic and African Americans are most likely to fall victims of media influence. In a popular TV show called, COPS, the majority of the suspects are Blacks. Even though America's Blacks population makes up for about 13%, it seems as if the crime world is dominated by Blacks (Felgner, 2000). Because TV shows like COPS, when people are asked who is likely to commit a crime such as rape or murder, many people would answer Blacks. However, according to the United States Department of Justice, in 2002, 74% of the rape victims involved a white female. White males accounted for 84% of the rape suspect.

One explanation could be that people already have these unconscious thoughts that Blacks are unintelligent, low income, and criminals. This is a reason why Blacks feels that they are sometimes treated unfair compared to their White counterparts. Dr. Lori stated that in her report called, The Color of Justice, she found that youth of color in the California were more than eight times as likely to be incarcerated by adult courts as White youth for equally serious crimes" (Dorfman, 2001). This clearly shows a disproportionate among Blacks and the type of struggles they have to endure during their lifetime.

