
6 年前 249次浏览 加州大学戴维斯分校论文代写:青春期到成年已关闭评论

作者选择的音乐总是改变了她从她的青春期到成年。在她年轻的时候她喜欢听铁娘子,Kim Wilde和迈克尔·杰克逊。这些不同的艺术家到作者的生活带来一套独立的情感。一方面,铁娘子带来侵略,另一方面,迈克尔·杰克逊和Kim Wilde激励她生活无限制。他们是一个表达自己的情感的作家源。Kim Wilde特别使她成为一个偶像作者。但这些情绪被限制在她的青年时代。作者从奥地利回来时,她只喜欢流行音乐离开她。这是通过实例证明了当作者渴望听到Kim Wilde的歌曲(250来)。她在国外曾让她忘记所有的重金属摇滚歌曲。这表明她在奥地利遇到的艰难时刻让她意识到音乐对她意味着什么。笔者倾向于忘记她在青春期影响作家最多的歌手。这是通过实例,她指出,“在任何情况下,我不再喜欢的偶像我的青春期”(251来)。作者希望听流行音乐,这清楚地表明,她仍希望自由但她已消失在时间的侵略。在她的音乐品味的变化也导致了她的成长。年轻时代的侵略已经低垂,她发展成熟。这表明音乐导致了作家的发展。它从青春期到成年的变化刺激着音乐的重要性在她的生活。


The writer’s choice of music has always changed as she moved from her adolescence to adulthood. In her young age she likes to listen to Iron Maiden, Kim Wilde and Michael Jackson. These various artists bring a separate set of emotions to author’s life. On one hand where Iron Maiden brings aggression, on the other hand Michael Jackson and Kim Wilde motivate her to live life without restrictions. They are a source of expressing her emotions for the writer. Kim Wilde especially inspire her and becomes an idol to the author. But these emotions were limited to her young age. When writer returns from Austria she has liking only for pop music left in her. This is proved through the instance when the author desires to hear the songs of Kim Wilde (250 Satrapi).Her stay in abroad had made her forget all the rock and heavy metal songs. This shows that the tough moments which came up to her in Austria made her realize what music really meant to her. The writer tends to forget the singers which influenced the writer most in her adolescence. This is proved through the instance where she states that ‘‘ In any case I no longer liked the idols of my adolescence”(251 Satrapi).The author wishes to listen pop music which clearly states that she still wants the freedom but the aggression in her has disappeared over time. The change in her taste of music also has led to her growth. The young age aggression had been downcast and there was a development of maturity in her. This shows how music led to the development of the writer. It stimulated the change from adolescence to adulthood which signifies the importance of music in her life.

