Marketing Essay 代写:环境和社会影响的例子

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Marketing Essay 代写:环境和社会影响的例子







Marketing Essay 代写:环境和社会影响的例子

This assignment involves five tasks and each task has their objectives. The first task talks about the impact of the different types of environment on business organizations. These environments includes: Economic, Political, Social, Legal, Technology and Competitive environments. The second task is about developing a plan to translate the gains in sports to gains in business and economy, which also shows: Mission statement, Objectives (SMART), Strategies, Tactics, Milestones, Duties and responsibilities that the business will carry out and finally, monitoring and evaluation techniques.

On the other hand the third and fourth task tells you about and communication, 2.Finance and budgeting. Both includes: marketing objectives, marketing strategies, communication objectives, communication strategies, how will this plan be financed and develop two years income statement for this plan.

So overall all this assignments is informing you of how to construct your own business and to make it successful at the end to receive good profit and to learn about all the positive and negative impacts on a business

ECONOMIC: Economic environment on business is good but needs improvement for it to be success. According to (unknown, 2011) "doing business 2012, Jamaica is ranked 88th out of 183 economies. The overall score is 3 points lower than last year, reflecting declines in six indicators. According to the most recent Enterprise Surveys (2010), the top 3 obstacles to running a business in Jamaica are Tax Rates, Electricity, and Access to Finance. 55.5% of firms in Jamaica own generators in order to deal with frequent power outages and shortages. According to the World Bank's Governance Indicators (2010), Jamaica is rated around the 60th percentile for the Government Effectiveness, Voice and Accountability, and Regulatory Quality indicators. It is close to the 40th percentile for the Rule of Law and Control of Corruption Indicators. Jamaica's economic freedom score is 65.1, making its economy the 58th freest in the 2012 Index. Its score is 0.6 point lower than last year, with losses in six of the 10 economic freedoms including business freedom and the management of public spending. Jamaica ranks 12th out of 29 countries in the South and Central America/Caribbean region."


In agreement with (Smith, 2012) "Quote that Overall process for starting a business has been streamlined, but licensing requirements are burdensome and cost over twice the level of annual average income. Although the labor market remains underdeveloped and relatively constraining, restrictions on work hours are flexible. Most prices are set by the market, but the government regulates the prices of a number of goods and services. Inflationary pressures have been quite high".

POLITICAL: The political environment has both a negative and a positive impact on business organization. According to (Bothma) "The political environment in which the firm operates (or plan to operate) will have a significant impact on a company's international marketing activities. The greater the level of involvement in a foreign markets, the greater the need to monitor the political climate of the countries business is conducted. Changes in government often result in changes in policy and attitudes towards foreign business. Bearing in mind that a foreign company operates in a host country at the discretion of the government concerned, the government can either encourage foreign activities by offering attractive opportunities for investment and trade, or discourage its activities by imposing restrictions such as import quotas, etc. The implications of government ownership to a company marketing abroad might be that certain sectors of the foreign market are the exclusive preserve of government enterprise or that the company is obliged to sell directly to a state trading organization."


