Marketing 论文代写:The Impacts From Friends And Society Towards Buying

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Marketing 论文代写:一个人买东西会考虑很多因素,如价格、质量、品牌等等。个人的购买行为会受到朋友和社会的意见的影响。因此,朋友和社会对产品和服务的意见总是影响个人购买行为的因素之一。这是因为一个个人的购买行为喜欢相信别人的意见或意见。以一个例子,当Ali决定购买一定型号的诺基亚品牌手机,但Ali的朋友告诉Ali说,型号手机的质量不好,所以Ali会考虑购买别人的模式。




A person buying something will consider many factors, such as price, quality, brand, and so on. The individual buying behaviour will affected by the opinion of friends and society. So friends and society opinions on the products and services are always one of the factors influencing individual buying behaviour. This is because an individual buying behaviour like to believe others feedback or opinion. As an example, when Ali decided to purchase certain model NOKIA brand mobile phone but Ali's friend's told to Ali that model mobile phone not good in quality so Ali will consider purchase others modal.

In the case above we know that friends and society opinions on the products and services will affect individual buying behaviour. When Facebook launch at the internet, Facebook was virtually become the impacts from friends and society towards buying behaviour. So in the next part of this assignment i will discuss about how Facebook enhance the impacts from friends and society towards buying behavior.

Nowadays, Facebook is a popular social network service which can connect people to people, people to business, business to people. So, Facebook able to attract people and business become the users of Facebook. In additional to this, Facebook has more than 600 million users and the users might create a personal profile, invite the person that has email to join Facebook and become the friend in Facebook or add the Facebook users as friends.

After add the people as the friends in Facebook, the users able to exchange message update photo in order to share to their friends. Furthermore, Facebook users also can join common interest user groups; the group organized by workplace, friends, college and so on.

2.1) How Facebook enhances the impacts from friends and society towards buying behaviour

Some of the functions in Facebook to allow the users communicate with others users. The function such as, users can communicate with friends and other users through private or public messages and a chat feature. Facebook users also can create a group or join interest group. Mostly, the uses that are maintained by organizations because the organisation use the group and the advertisement function in Facebook as the advertise purpose. Users can share something to others users, users can create event to others users participate, users can go to the marketplace to allow users buy and sell item.

2.1.1) Fans page/ group

The function of fans page or group mainly to allow the users of Facebook can support their interested group or fans. This fans page or group was create by the Facebook users or the company its own. As an example, Apple built up a fans page to allow the users join to that in order to close in the relation of Apple to society. This fans page will release the latest update of product and service for Apple. By this way Apple can disseminating information to million users in Facebook. So, Apple virtually expands the impact of society and building the reputation on society and Apple had over 120,000 join the fans page.

2.1.2) Advertisement

Facebook provide this function to allow the users create an advertisement easily. By the way any company can create the advertisement by upload photos and dynamic. So the Facebook users will soon express their views. After that, the Facebook users will discuss and give some feedback on the page. By doing this, the company that create the promotion advertisement can gather market information effectively through the users in Facebook. For example, a haircut shop makes an offer about 40% discounts. A Facebook users log in to Facebook the advertisement will appear on the right hand site of the page. When the users see the advertisement will get the information about this haircut shops provides 40% discounts for haircut.

So through this advertisement the haircut shop will affect the society to come to the haircut shop to purchase the service of the haircut shops. If the services of this haircut shop were good the Facebook users will comment on the advertisement and the comment will sharply bring more customers to the haircut shop. On the other hand if the haircut shop provides fake information about the 40% discounts the Facebook users will make the feedback on the advertisement and the reputation of the haircut shops will extremely go down.

2.1.3) Sharing function

Facebook provides sharing function to the users. In this way the number of users will increase rapidly. This function mainly for the video sharing, the users can share the video between the friends. This function also can link between youtube and blog sharing. So the company create the video for advertising purpose can upload in Facebook and share to the users. By this sharing function can share to their friends, if a users share to 100 friends and that 100 friends share to their friends.

So, the effect of sharing function was very effectively for the business purpose. Only few minutes can share to thousands of people. In this sharing function, the video that create by the company will explore as fast as possible.

2.1.4) Marketplace

This marketplace is an application on Facebook. This application can buy and sell anything using the listing service. This application can display all the recent listing in the network and can find out what do you need and what offering in this marketplace. In this application, all the facebook users can go in to take a look.

This marketplace is that you do not see another boring list of business, but they show up as the site's own updates. A sales listing would show up in news feeds as "Ali is selling Abstract Art." In this case, Ali can be a 'friend' of your or even a friend's friend. You can find out what people want, what they are offering and also how you are connected to these people on Facebook.

2.1.5) Event

The event can connect with the target audience and invite them join the events. The purpose of event is organizing an activity in order to gatherings people, as well as let people know about upcoming events. The Events applications page displays the upcoming events. In additional to this, this application can making the event in Public and Private. Making the event in public means even the Facebok users are not the friends or fans still can receive the invitation of this event. So, this is an open invitation for a public event where anyone can access the page to participate the activities.

However, if the event creator would like to invite their friends only this application can do not visible to anyone except those you choose. As an example, an organisation would like to make a 20th Anniversary celebration. So the create an event to the public to allow all the people that can participate this celebration. The organisation by doing this way can attract the public society to participate the celebration in order to build up the reputation of the organisation.

2.1.6) "like" function

This "like" function is whether the Facebook users like the advertisement, photo, comment and so on. Which means the users can support the things that their want to support. As an example, an enterprise sign up a profile in order to use the social networking built up the relation and communicate to the customers. This enterprise was doing online business, so when the customer would like to order some products will through SMS or Facebook. So, this enterprise will release the latest information and will "tag" to their customers in order to collect the data that how many people like the product. By doing this the enterprise can collect the favourite style of customers. After that this enterprise will import goods from manufacturer according to the customer's choice. By this way the enterprise know the customer's wants can affect their buying decision.


Facebook is a popular social network service which can connect people to people, people to business, business to people. So, Facebook able to attract people and business become the users of Facebook. This fans page or group was create by the Facebook users or the company its own. Facebook users will discuss and give some feedback and comment on the page. By give the comment the Facebook users will annoying whether the product is a good product or poor product. If the Facebook users' annoying that is a good product the Facebook users will purchase certain product so this will feedback and comment will affect the buying behaviour of the customers.

The enterprise can buy or sell ant things in marketplace. In this application the Facebook users able to compare the product that they would like to purchase and this application allow the users have more options to compare the product in order get the good product and lower price. So, when the people that have more option that to purchase a product definitely will influence the buying decision.

After that the users can share the video between the friends. When the friends like the certain video will "like" the video and the video will become popular. When the video become popular many people will discover what the video is. If the video is promoting a product so the product will having many buyers. In this way the Facebook will affect the buying behaviour. So the Facebook is a powerful social media that can influence the buying behaviour of people. Lastly, Facebook is a powerful social media in internet and it have over 600million users. This internet social media have a huge influence to the buying behaviour of people.

