Media Essay 代写 : 社会化媒体在服务中的作用

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Media Essay 代写 :社会化媒体在服务中的作用
Nowadays social media pays a vital role in aspects of life from conducting business to leisure activities. Social media marketing is the best platform to promote sites through social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and YouTube, and site owners will get more number of visitors and returning visitors. Social media is the best way to promote business, for instance if site owners are selling product or publishing ad, then social media is the best way to make the website profitable in a less span of time. Social media has hit the mainstream recent years and is suggested to be continue grow.

Social media becomes a place where people can freely converse to no matter friends or strangers, give personal opinion as well as raise awareness about hot issues in order to get attention of the government or authorities. According to Cisco by the start of 2011, 40% of internet traffic will be people watching videos online. People now have the opportunity to catch up on missed episodes of shows or events. For marketers, this presents new opportunities and a mindset shift from "let's watch the early adopters are doing on YouTube" to "I have really got to be on there" (Karen Stocks, 2010).

Social media is currently an evolving advent in business marketing. Social media represents low-cost tools that are used to combine technology and social interaction with the use of words. These tools are typically internet or mobile based. A few that is frequently heard are Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and YouTube. Smart employees understand the power of this new channel in creating real business value as well as in relations with other stakeholders. Therefore, they are now increasingly using social media as an integral tool in planning marketing strategies. Promotions, marketing intelligence, sentiments research, public relations, marketing communications are modes used most. Below literature review will attempt to describe what the social media is and its roles in the service marketing.

The above study has shown that social media do indeed have a significant role to play in contemporary marketing. Social media is to build and improve business and is as an important element of an overall marketing plan. It helps to facilitates relations with customers and other stakeholders and enhances the information flow from firms to customers and vice versa. Although social media is a voluntary free market interaction between diverse communities of users who share particular interests, some more niches. Yet, more profound development in practice and usage is required in order to increase companies adjustment until the real value of social media to an enterprise be ascertained.

Media Essay 代写 :社会化媒体在服务中的作用


