The current legislative framework of The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 requires schools to meet the needs of all children by helping parents, carers and pupils with ASD understand their strengths and challenges and put strategies in place to support their learning. All children have an equal right to access a broad and balanced curriculum with supports adapted to their needs based on continued assessment, intervention and review. Interventions should have a proven track record of success and allow ongoing evaluation in order to support the continued development of the child or young person. In research conducted by Hunt, Soto, Maier, & Doering (2003), a Unified Plans of Support (UPS) team was studied. Children who had a UPS team meeting once a month to assess and re-evaluate existing plans increased in measured test scores.For a child or young person with ASD, the social curriculum is just as important as the academic curriculum. Assessment should consider social and communication skills e.g. social interaction, language and communication, self awareness, independence, play and imagination and emotional understanding. The assessment process should identify key areas for setting educational and future targets. These targets should not be solely academically based. In order to meet the needs of an individual with ASD, there needs to be a balance between purposeful self help and life skills and academic achievement..