
7 年前 315次浏览 美国材料科学代写essay:教学满意度已关闭评论



In general, studies show that the major sources of satisfaction tend to be intrinsic factors - those directly related to the actual task of teaching and working with young people (such as facilitating pupil learning and achievement), professional self-growth (including the mastery of subject matter and teaching skills), and recognition from parents, peers or superiors. Autonomy, professional freedom and supportive colleagues have also been found to be positive aspects of the job. Sources of dissatisfaction include administrative workload, low salary, poor promotional prospects and pupils' behavioral problems. More recently, in addition to structural and administrative factors, societal factors have been identified as major sources of dissatisfaction. The status of teachers, the pace of educational change and the increase in workload associated with it, societal expectations of schools and, particularly, the negative portrayal of teachers and teaching in the media are now major factors causing teachers dissatisfaction with teaching . On the other hand, factors such as school leadership, decision making and communication, school resources and community relations can be either neutral or moderately satisfying/dissatisfying, depending on school context and leadership factors (Dinham and Scott 1996; Scott, Cox and Dinham 1999; Dinham and Scott 2000).Despite the existence of considerable literature on teacher motivation in general education, there are few studies that deal directly with initial teacher motivation in TESOL, though studies such as Tsui (2003) and Senior (2006) touch on the topic indirectly. One study that deals directly with teacher motivation is Johnston's (1997) interview study of five expatriate English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers and 12 local teachers in Poland. Johnston found that the teachers presented their entry into teaching as an accident or a second choice, and, unlike the general education studies cited above, none spoke of TESOL in terms of a calling. Expressions of altruism were tempered with looking after their own personal interests. Johnston observes that leaving the field was a constant possibility, even for those who had made a substantial investment in TESOL. Senior (2006), using a grounded theory approach, provides a brief, generalized account of the motivations of people undertaking an English-language teaching qualification in Australia and the United

