
7 年前 329次浏览 美国电子商务essay代写:技术能力劳力已关闭评论



The need for technological aptitude in order to become more competitive in the 21st century workforce is now undeniable. In the age of information, it has become a necessity for students to master the ability to use technologies to process, analyze, and articulate information in education, life, or employment settings. Since the use of technology in virtual schools is a built-in requirement, students master 21st century technology skills to prepare them for the global and Web-driven workplace. Some educators feel the effectiveness of technology is overestimated, citing that introducing information technology in schools has not achieved either transformation of teaching or learning. Researchers deduce that maximizing the benefits of IT investments require more than simply introducing technology and aligning it with the curriculum. They believe it requires the triangulation of content, sound learning principles, and high-quality teaching

