主要有两种类型的交互学习的情况下。学习者的一个由相互作用分别与内容,而其他涉及社交活动——学习者的交互与他人(同伴或老师)的内容。DL环境提供情感和有效学习而创造一种社区和缩小距离事务必须产生这两种类型的交互。过去,社会互动内容主要发生在教育者和学习者之间,但是新兴技术使它越来越可行学习者相互作用和这种交互使学习者有机会反思,重新考虑合作的真正解决问题(剩余物和温格,1991;河岸,1995)。社会相互作用通常发生在传统的教室(例如分享、讨论、小组活动、同行审查,等等)必须通过工具和技术在远程教育环境。然而,这些工具/技术有局限性,可能影响的可能或可能发生的相互作用。可以充分利用网络技术提供相应的学习基础设施,允许连接对象和人在其他环境中(莱德和威尔逊,1996;Harasim Hiltz,电话和岔道,1995)。尽管这些技术可以促进有益的交流,他们也可能阻碍学生不能有效地互动,除非他们很容易能够利用他们已被授权使用的媒体.
There are essentially two types of interaction in a learning situation. One consists of the learner interacting individually with content, while the other involves social activity - the learner's interactions with others (peers or teacher) about the content. A DL environment that is to provide affective and effective learning whilst creating a sense of community and narrowing the transactional distance must engender both kinds of interaction. In the past, social interaction about content primarily took place between the educator and learner, but emergent technologies have made it increasingly feasible for learners to interact with each other and this interaction gives learners the opportunity to reflect, reconsider and cooperate in authentic problem-solving (Lave and Wenger, 1991; Berge, 1995). Social interactions which would normally occur in the conventional classroom (e.g. sharing, discussion, group activities, peer reviewing, etc.) must instead take place via tools and technologies in distance learning environments. However, some of these tools/technologies have limitations which may affect the sorts of interactions that are possible or likely to happen. Online technologies provide affordances that can be utilised for learning through infrastructures which allow connections to objects and people that are in other environments (Ryder and Wilson, 1996; Harasim, Hiltz, Teles and Turnoff, 1995). Although these technologies can foster beneficial interactions, they may also hinder them since students cannot interact effectively unless they are easily able to utilise the media that they have been tasked with using