一个意想不到的结果是,造“介质存储(即。、存储# 1)不同于“大仓库”商店但并不不同于(即“image-reliant”商店。、存储# 3)。有屏幕的平面图和演示化身穿着“中型”商店中的产品应该影响商店的外观和娱乐方面(这些特征ado没有出现在商店的“大仓库”)。因此,似乎这些特征不会影响3 d娱乐方面的在线商店。
第十个研究假说介绍了模型试验的影响,方便存储布局类型。同样Greenhouse-Geisser校正的情况下,使用前被认为是必要的结果显示(Mauchly Scphericity测试:W =。274年,sig。=组织)。Greenhouse-Geisser校正的意义(ε=。618年,sig。=组织)确定,方便统计上显著不同的方式(即。F(23.346,152.945)= 8.853)中存储布局类型(见详细SPSS输出包含在附录F.10)。商店# 1布局类型引起最高意味着(即。意味着= 3.68),在降序排列,商店# 3布局(即。,意味着= 3.66),# 4(即布局类型。,意味着= 3.25),# 2的布局类型(即。意味着= 3.08),和商店# 5布局类型(即。,意味着= 3.02)。Bonferroni因果检验表明,商店# 1布局类型不同于商店# 2,商店# 4,商店# 5布局类型。此外,商店# 3布局类型,不同于商店# 2和商店# 5的布局类型。
An unexpected result is that "medium"-size" store (i.e., store#1) differs from the "large-warehouse" store but does not differ from the "image-reliant" store (i.e., store#3). There are screens in the floor plan and demo avatars wearing the products in the "medium-size" stores that should affect the look and feel and entertaining aspect of the store (these characteristics ado not appear in "large-warehouse" stores). Thus, it seems that these characteristics do not affect the entertainment aspect of 3D online stores.
The tenth research hypothesis introduced in the research model tests the influence of store layout type on convenience. Similarly with the former cases the use of Greenhouse-Geisser correction was considered necessary according to the results (Mauchly's test of Scphericity: W=.274, sig.=.000). The significance of the Greenhouse-Geisser correction (epsilon=.618, sig.=.000) determined that the means of convenience differ statistically significantly (i.e., F(23.346, 152.945)=8.853) among the store layout types (see detailed SPSS output included in Appendix F.10). The store#1 layout type elicited the highest mean (i.e., mean=3.68), and in descending order, the store#3 layout (i.e., mean=3.66), the store#4 layout type (i.e., mean=3.25), the store#2 layout type (i.e., mean=3.08), and the store#5 layout type (i.e., mean= 3.02). The Bonferroni post-hoc test indicated that the store#1 layout type differs from the store#2, the store#4, and the store#5 layout types. In addition, the store#3 layout type, differs from the store#2 and the store#5 layout types.