The fourth major source of theology is experience. Experience is the human experience, not personal experience, particularly the religious experience in the Christian community. [9] Experience is the most uncomfortable and unclear source. [10] Nevertheless, experience has to provide a foundational source for Christian theology, and Christian theology provides an interpretive outline within human experience. [11] The author mentions "ecofeminism." Ecofeminism is a social and political movement somewhere between environmentalism and feminism. However, this is not the full human experience but only this one particular experience. Furthermore it is not religious experience.
The fifth major source of theology is creation. Creation is that work of the triune God. [12] The article suggests that the Incarnation was God's purpose for creation to join it in his son, and the Incarnation God is directly involved in the sufferings of his creation. [13] However, Karl Barth says "This becoming cannot be brought into connection with creation. It cannot be regarded as one of its evolutionary possibilities… God's Word becoming a creature must be regarded as a new creation… it is a sovereign divine act, and it is an act of lordship different from creation." [14] Hence, God and Jesus are not prisoners, [15] but they are redeemers. The author expresses the Incarnation only as the pain of Creation. Jesus is not just a creature. however, Jesus is also the Creator. This article, therefore, underestimates Jesus the Creator in the Incarnation.