
7 年前 297次浏览 美国工业工程代写论文:在线听力实验室已关闭评论



The researchers implemented different CALL programs in this study like Natural Reader, Corpus concordancing, online listening Lab and PowerPoint presentations. The selected training units were explained and presented through PowerPoint program and were given to the experimental group students to be studied outside the classroom. Also, the experimental group students were trained during the introductory session on a cocordancing program for enhancing vocabulary acquisition and the natural reader program for developing reading skills. Experimental group students were trained to study the proposed units outside the classroom and to practice different activities in the classroom to enhance what they have studied. On the other hand the control group students studied with the regular method, i.e. explanation in the classroom and activities outside the classroom.After finishing the treatment (2 units) both the experimental and the control group students sat for an achievement test and the experimental group students completed an attitude survey related to the flipped classrooms. The mean scores of the control and the experimental group were 13.4 and 15.7. The results of the achievement test highlights the effectiveness of flipping the classrooms. Furthermore, the results of the survey proved that experimental group students agreed upon flipping the classrooms.

