
6 年前 306次浏览 美国环境研究代写论文:美国人口结构的变化已关闭评论

随着美国人口结构的变化,在教育、学区和地方社区机构的工作中,在文化和语言方面的残疾儿童的需求在教育、学区和社区机构中发挥着重要作用。虽然早期的儿童项目和早期干预项目被用来为这些孩子提供服务,但学生的家庭和学校管理人员往往对所提供的项目的类型和强度存在分歧。文化上对教育和特殊教育的看法经常是学校和家庭意见分歧的根源。本研究的重点是从文化和语言多样性的父母的角度,更好地理解EI对EC / ECSE过渡过程的理解。这项研究的目的是要确定在这两个项目之间的过渡期间,父母是否能够提供当地语言支持和文化响应服务,从而影响到孩子的服务和支持。更好地理解特定于LEP儿童及其父母的过渡过程是这项研究的最终目的。本课题的调查是通过对LEP母亲的视角进行定性的检验来完成的。


As demographic changes in the United States have brought the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse children with disabilities to the forefront in education, school districts and local community agencies work to address this student population. Though early childhood programs and early intervention programs have been employed to service these children, students' families and school administration often disagree on the types and the intensity of the programs to be provided. Culturally based perceptions about education and special education are frequently the source of differences in opinion between schools and families.The focus of this study was to gain a better understanding of the EI to EC / ECSE transition process from the perspective of culturally and linguistically diverse parents. The intent of the study was to determine if the level of native language supports and culturally responsive services available to the parents during the transition between the two programs were perceived as impacting the services and support available to the child. A better understanding of the transition process specific to LEP children and their parents is the ultimate intent of the study. The investigation of the topic was completed via a qualitative examination of the experience from the perspective of LEP mothers.

