Shiaism是这些穆斯林之间的运动,首先,支持阿里的主张,并在他死后,他的后代,哈里发或继承的职务伊斯兰教先知穆罕默德死后。这组被称为党或什叶派阿里和他的后裔,被视为合法的伊玛目或宗教和世俗的穆斯林社区的领导人。课程时间什叶派被分裂成不同的派别,如Kaysaniyya或极端的Al -穆赫塔尔的追随者,Hashimiyya或阿布的追随者Hashim本·穆罕默德·本·Al-Hanafiyya Zaidiyya哈札特阿里的儿子。根据这些什叶派教派,只有阿里的后代和法蒂玛哈里发的他独自宗教知识的继承、直觉或神的指引,对古兰经的解释。这些知识的手段,穆斯林社区的许多问题可以解决。所以伊玛目- cum -哈里发是祷告的领导者,统治者和穆斯林社区的律法。什叶派极端夸张的超人的力量解释伊玛目的神圣知识,等于的先知(Wansbrough,2006)。
Shiaism was the movement among those Muslims, who, at first, supported the claim of Ali, and after his death, his descendents, to the caliphate or the succession to the headship of Islam after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. This group came to be called the Party or Shia of Ali and his descendents, regarded as the rightful Imams or religious and secular leaders of the Muslim community. In course of time the Shia came to be divided into various sects, such as the Kaysaniyya or extreme followers of Al - Mukhtar, the Hashimiyya or the followers of Abu Hashim bin Muhammad bin Al-Hanafiyya, a son of Hazrat Ali and the Zaidiyya. According to these Shia sects, only a descendent of Ali and Fatima could be a caliph for he alone had the religious knowledge by inheritance, intuition or divine guidance, for the interpretation of Quran. And it was by the means of this knowledge that the many problems of the Muslim community could be solved. So, the Imam - cum - caliph was the prayer leader, the ruler and the law giver of the Muslim community. The extremist Shia exaggerated the superhuman powers of interpretation of the Imam into divine knowledge, equal to that of the prophet (Wansbrough, 2006).