
5 年前 345次浏览 美国教育学paper代写:缅甸的教育已关闭评论



Lastly, despite the effort of the international community and non-government organizations, countries around the globe will start to see change within their illiteracy rates in their countries once they implement strategies and utilize the funds given to them to put towards the education sector. Organizations such as Global Partnership for Education have used their voice and set objectives for the following years in which they aspire to achieve. They have been successful due to the fact “18.5 million children were supported in 2017 to complete their education.”[24] However in order for countries such as Afghanistan to be victorious in the education of their youth and future leaders, the country has to take precautionary measures such as stopping child labour plantations. Despite the efforts of various organizations and the promises Afghanistan has made, “approximately 2.1 million Afghan children between ages 6 and 14 are involved in some form of child labour in 2018.” Myanmar exploits women, and often leave them uneducated which is why they have fewer job opportunities, “there were 471,420 females out of school in 2017.” On the other hand, in Central America crime rates have been increasing within the youth as they engage within gang life at a young age, which is why it is crucial the government of Central America implements social programs to educate the young individuals within the society to see change as the years progress. Countries should have objectives and goals in mind to ensure they reach their objectives.

