美国教育学作业代写 快乐活动

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美国教育学作业代写 快乐活动

Children are happiest in the classroom when they are moving, singing, and learning by doing. This is parallel to what all of the research says. While music and movement are good for the brain, they are also good for the soul. Jones (2010) says that movement to music advances children’s mindfulness of their bodies and what they can do. It can also aid them in developing feelings of self-confidence and fine motor skills. Isenberg and Jalongo (2001) see the importance of a classroom that incorporates daily physical activities when they say that children’s initial experiences with movement activities inspire their later knowledge, concept development, abilities, and outlooks, so selecting proper teaching strategies is critical. Weinberger (1998) says that music is at a disadvantage because it is so much fun. He also asks, can anything so pleasurable really be vital in education? His answer is, unquestionably yes. Music offers vast occasions for communication and expression, for creativity and paired learning—plus, it’s good for the brain and can increase learning and cognitive development. Students are more likely to be engaged and to feel that their classroom has a positive learning environment if they are happy while in school. Music and movement have many connections to brain development and to learning. Children innately move to and use music in their daily lives. The articles seemed to all agree that music and movement should have a place in each classroom. It is also important to recognize that the way the music and movement are integrated can look different at each level and from teacher to teacher. Not as much research was found on the effects of music and movement on the classroom climate. However, most all of the articles agree that music and movement are good for children and for their psycho-emotional growth, but we found little research that directly dealt with this aspect of the study. We feel that this is due to the fact that it is hard to measure classroom climate. What one may feel is a positive or fun environment, another may not. This is more of an opinion vs. fact.A high quality early childhood educational curriculum will integrate music and movement into everyday activities. (Izumi-Taylor, Morris, Meredith, & Hicks, 2012) In order for this pedagogy of music and movement to become central in one’s own educational philosophy, teachers, children, and school leaders must collaborate to envision and understand what it means to teach and learn with music and movement at the heart of a student’s experiences in education.

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