
7 年前 305次浏览 美国堪萨斯大学论文代写:宝洁公司已关闭评论

在1980年代末和1990年代初,经济疲软加上最终的消费者价值偏见开始削弱P&品牌资产;G。这些事情青睐私人标签的性能在健康和美丽线条。P&G对这个问题的反应启动“每天低定价”(EDLP)策略,诱导消费者而实施促销回扣批发商。EDLP覆盖50 - 60%,公司的产品范围包括,帮宝适和Luvs,级联肥皂,出售Jif花生酱。虽然该公司的策略是通过混合反应会见了一些零售商拒绝它,许多人支持公司对价值定位的努力。实际上这种支持,P&G由良好的储蓄从贸易促销活动然后被淘汰回直接营销活动要接触一些目标群体狭窄的市场基础品牌通过优惠券和示例程序。的目标产品项目包括帮宝适、Clearasil,玉兰油油(哈蒙,2003. p.352)。

G还加入了环境营销的“绿色浪潮”,采用降低包装策略,看到了公司在相对较小的包提供集中的产品配方,以及补充包申请38公司的品牌在17个国家在1990年代。1991年7月,P&G获得国际蜜丝佛陀和Betrix露华浓的台词,Inc .,从而扩大P&G在化妆品和香水的业务。作为她达到有意义的增长战略的一部分,P&G也卖掉了她在这些地区控股公司认为长大。例如,在1992年,P&G几乎50%的纤维素和专业销售纸浆贸易惠好公司(卡特里娜1999. p.147)。


In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the weakening of economy coupled with the resulting consumer value bias started to weaken the brand equity for P&G. These occurrences favored performance of private labels in both health and beauty lines. P&G responded to this threat by launching "Every Day Low Pricing" (EDLP) strategy to induce consumers while implementing promotional kickbacks for wholesalers. The EDLP covered 50-60%of the company's product range which included; pampers and Luvs diapers, Cascade dish soap, and Jif peanut butter. Although the Company strategy was met by mixed reactions with some retailers rejecting it, many others supported the Companies value-conscious positioning efforts. With this support, P&G actually made good savings from trade promotions which were then ploughed back into direct marketing activities meant to reach out to some target groups for narrow market base brands through the coupon and sample programs. The target products for the program included Pampers, Clearasil, and Oil of Olay (Harmon, 2003.p.352).

G also joined the "green bandwagon of environmental marketing" by adoption of reduced packaging strategy which saw the company provide concentrated product formulations in relatively smaller packages, as well as refill packs applied for 38 of the company's brands across 17 countries in the 1990s. In July 1991, P&G acquired the international Max Factor and Betrix lines from Revlon, Inc., thus expanding P&G's presence in cosmetics and fragrances. As part of her strategy to attain meaningful growth, P&G also divested her holdings in those areas the company considered to have outgrown. For instance, in 1992, P&G sold almost 50% of her cellulose and specialties pulp trade to Weyerhaeuser Company (Katrina, 1999.p.147).

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