
7 年前 296次浏览 美国堪萨斯州立大学论文代写:品牌之间的不同已关闭评论




National brands may play on distrust of regional or private label brands to get consumer to buy them. Its' also have to encourage people to ask question, for example the quality of generic or store branded products. Most national brands started with small regional brands then will slowly grew over time. New companies products are constantly being established and some of the company will go on to capture of the market and expand it to a wider area and lastly will become national brands. The example of the product in Malaysia which is from the regional brand and eventually become a national brand is Padini brands

This type of brands has to create their own brands strategy in order to make their products being achieved in the market. This national brand has to focus on the brand equity strategy. They have to create a loyal customer and the customer who aware about their brand. Some of the retailer will use the packaging strategy. They will design the unique packaging so that consumer will remembered the brand directly. For example, an Avon product is gaining preferred shelf positions by partnering with retailers and using packaging and displays as part of a marketing. In the new scenario, the national brands equity is often used to endorse a store brand. That could raise the stature of the company brand.

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