
5 年前 344次浏览 美国留学生代写作业:不同类型的教育已关闭评论



Education has many forms; we can see different types of education in our surroundings. The most common type we observe is the formal education which is obtained in many ways. Our formal education starts from school the education we get from school is called primary education in primary education we learn very basic things like basics of math’s the four operators addition, subtraction ,multiplications and division we only learn the basics of every subject. As said by Henry Fielding “Public schools are the nurseries of all vice and immorality.” Then comes the secondary education in this level of the education we learn basics of some complex subjects like biology and physics. Then comes the intermediate level or commonly known as inter level here we learn the advance but not that advance study of the science and we also learn arts subjects such as Urdu and English up to the level that we can write or read all kind of things. After that comes to the bachelor’s Level where we choose a subject and we learn all about that specific subject like B. A. English. In B. A. English we learn all the grammar and literature of English after the bachelors comes the master level in which we have even more specific field of the topic we choose earlier in the bachelors level and we learn all about that in master level. These are some common phases of education which come into our mind suddenly when we hear the word “Education” and these phases are called formal education. But education is not limited to formal type only; it has a very broad meaning. Apart from this formal type, other is also an informal type of education. Distant learning is one of its parts. Home and society is the most common source of it. Informal education is education which we get from our surrounding and society and from our daily experiences. And we can also get informal education from television and internet too. Informal education is as important as formal education.

