家庭和学校之间这种紧急和必要的伙伴关系的成功为涉及的主要三个方面提供了好处:学生、教师和家长。关于学生的利益,家庭与学校的伙伴关系可以预测孩子的社交情绪和学业成绩(Sheridan et al., 2017)。当家长参与学校活动时,学生在学业、行为和社交方面都会受益。至关重要的工作和孩子们的社会和情绪发展的社会性的存在和行为挑战尤为突出与学业成绩差,除了一个预测后来的学校退学,未能上大学以后的生活,和社会经济差距在成年期(麦克劳德&皇帝,2004;Sheridan等,2017)。除了有利于学生的学习成绩和学业表现,研究人员还发现,这种伙伴关系在学习习惯、成功动机、社交技能、中学学业完成、对学校的态度、减少行为问题、家庭作业习惯、工作方向和教育抱负方面有所改善.
he success of that emergent and necessary partnership between families and schools provide benefits for the main three context involved: students, teachers, and parents. Regarding the student’s benefits, the family-school partnership can be a predictor in both children’s social-emotional and academic outcomes (Sheridan et al., 2017). When parents are involved in the schools, students benefit academically, behaviorally, and socially. It is essential to work with children’s social and emotional development once the presence of social-emotional and behavioral challenges are particularly salient related to poor academic performance, besides being a predictive of later school drop-out, failure to attend college later in life, and socioeconomic disparities later in the adulthood (McLeod & Kaiser, 2004; Sheridan et al., 2017). Besides the benefits in the student’s achievement and academic performance, researchers have found improvements of that partnership in study habits, motivation to succeed, social skills, completion of secondary school, attitudes toward school, reduced behavior problems, homework habits and work orientation and education aspirations