
5 年前 304次浏览 美国留学生论文代写:资本主义生产方式已关闭评论



Theoretically, Marx and Engels believe that the fundamental contradiction of the capitalist mode of production will have serious consequences, including the emergence of the economic crisis circle, the polarizing of the proletarians and the bourgeoisies, and the shift to a capitalist-dominated new mode of production. First, Marx and Engels note that the capitalist mode of production contributes greatly to the emergence of an economic crisis circle due to its fundamental contradiction, which includes three major stages. The first stage of the crisis is noted for rampant appropriation of resources and surplus value of laborers by the capitalists, who are concentrated on pursuing profits and productivity. During this stage, the capitalist mode production sees remarkable investments in technological innovations and mass production. The second stage witnesses the surge of vicious competition and incredible overproduction in the market due to rampant pursuits of profits by the capitalists. Consequently, “market standstills” emerge out of the overproduction. According to Marx, “a crisis of plethora” will emerge out of the overproduction in the capitalist economy (p. 709). In response to the market disorder caused by overproduction and vicious competition, governments intervene in the market by regulating market activities and control economic production, which results in the emergence of notable domination of several monopolies in the market. As a result, widening inequalities emerge in the market, which further complicates the economic crisis. Meanwhile, Marx and Engels also associate the fundamental contradiction of the capitalist mode of production with the changing class composition, revealing that proletarians and bourgeoisies will emerge as two classes out of the fundamental contradiction. As noted by Marx, “wage labourers, capitalists and landowners constitute [the] three big classes of modern society based upon the capitalist mode of production” (Marx 1867/1978:441). The capitalist mode of production is noted for economic exploitation and dehumanization of workers into wage labor. The unregulated individual appropriation of social products by the capitalists leads to the formation of an expanding class dominated by the bourgeoise who own the product materials and capital. Under the increased appropriation and exploitation of the capitalists, workers are increasingly alienated from their products of labor and transformed into proletarians who own only their labor. According to Marx, workers are transformed into “wage-workers”, who own their labor power that is sold as “a commodity” “to capital” (p. 204). With the rapid development and expansion of the capitalist mode of production, there will be a widening gap between the proletarians and the bourgeoisies, as the former are under increased exploitation of the latter who are mainly concerned with appropriating the surplus value of laborers. Specifically, the bourgeoisies are becoming increasing richer, while the proletarians are increasingly impoverished due to the unregulated appropriation and exploitation introduced by the capitalist mode of production.

