
5 年前 303次浏览 美国留学生作业代写:非正规教育已关闭评论



On the contrary, non formal education includes skills and knowledge that are unusual in part throughout formal education whether in primary schools or secondary schools even in higher education institutions (Non-formal Education, 1979). Non formal education can be divided into three broad categories which the first one is oriented activities particularly for development of skills and knowledge of labour force who is employed, secondly, activities that are planned mainly to provide people, predominantly the youth, to get into the job and lastly, activities designed to develop skills, knowledge and understanding beyond the work world (Harbison, 1971). Unlike formal education, non formal education does not require a specific time such as timetable or school hours. It can happen anywhere and anytime as long as the knowledge is passed on. Non formal education does not need the student’s attendance and also decreasing the interaction between teachers and students because most of the activities happen outside of the institutions, for example, girl’s scouts or any outdoor activities. Besides, the techniques and materials used in non formal education often do not require a high standard as the typical schooling methods (Non-formal Education, 1979). The process can be conducted by semi-professionals such as activities in religious centres, youth groups, or any voluntary organizations (Non-formal Education, 1979). In view of the fact that non formal education occurs outside the curricular provided by schools, thus the learning process may only use simple and low-cost technologies like story books, radio and others (Non-formal Education, 1979). In addition, non formal education is flexible because it is adaptable according to the condition or situation and also the needs of the society at a time

