为了实现一个成功的慈善活动,组织本身首先必须了解捐赠者动机的重要因素,无论参与者参加慈善活动仅仅是为了活动本身,还是为了支持该事业,还是出于社会原因,或两者的某种结合。一个成功的活动可以促进庆祝功能,促进社会凝聚力,并包容志愿者,工作人员和参与者,并汇集社会各界代表一个重要的社区目标(Tsuji et al. 2007)。此外,根据Soukup(1983)的研究表明,慈善组织评估其慈善活动的成功程度,几乎与评估盈利组织的方式相同。评估标准来确定慈善活动是否成功或不包括测量成本效益而言,出席,导致宣传、财务业绩,影响志愿者招聘、员工质量,工作人员和志愿者时间有效性,道德是否合适,非金融回报,公众的意见,最重要的是是否慈善目标得到满足。通常用于获取信息以评估活动成功程度的方法包括财务记录、出席率统计和参与者问卷.
To achieve a successful charity event, first of all the organization itself has to understand important factor of donor motivation, whether the participants attend the charity simply for the activity itself, to support the cause, for social reason or some combination thereof (Tsuji et al. 2007). A successful event can facilitate a celebratory function, promote social cohesion, and inclusion for volunteers, staff and participants, and bring together a cross-section of the community on behalf of an important community purpose (Tsuji et al. 2007). Moreover, according to Soukup (1983) it is stated that charity organizations also evaluate the success of their charity events almost like the way for profit organizations do. The evaluation criteria to determine whether the charity event was a success or not include measurements in terms of cost effectiveness, attendance, resulting publicity, financial results, effect on volunteer recruitment, quality of staff, staff and volunteer time effectiveness, ethical appropriateness, non-financial return, public opinion, and most importantly whether the charity objectives were met or not. Methods which are commonly used to acquire information in order to evaluate the level of success of the event include financial records, statistics for attendance, and questionnaires from participants