
5 年前 512次浏览 美国留学生作业代写:科学探究已关闭评论



We will resolutely implement teaching and learning centered on scientific inquiry. Scientific learning should be inquiry-based. Inquiry is not only the goal of scientific learning, but also the way of scientific learning. Learning activities based on inquiry is the main way for students to learn science. In scientific inquiry activities, students should not only put forward questions, guess results, make plans, observe, experiment, make, collect evidence, explain, express and communicate, but also form scientific understanding. The cultivation and improvement of students' scientific inquiry ability is inseparable from real inquiry activities. Therefore, teachers must let students construct their own knowledge system on the basis of perception and experience by using their hands and minds, rather than simply teaching students knowledge and conclusions. Teachers can design an inquiry question in each unit, make inquiry plans, tables, etc., and guide students to explore questions related to the content of this unit while carrying out unit teaching. Hierarchical teaching, spiraling upward. Primary school science literacy education must be open to all students. In scientific literacy education, teachers should arrange the content of science education in a hierarchical way, and teach students in accordance with their aptitude, so that every student can experience success and development. Only when students understand the value of science and experience success, they will not lose their interest in science, and the goal of improving the scientific literacy of primary school students can be truly realized. At present, the science teacher according to the situation of students points for a low, medium and high grade standard, let every student can jump jump picked the fruit, namely each student after meet basic scientific literacy requirement, can continue to work hard to achieve a higher standard, in the process of continuous efforts for the development of each student to obtain the greatest degree.

