质量和私营部门的不平等倾向于迎合富裕阶层,而不是建立在贫困地区。例如,在美国,ECEC留给个别供应商,保健和教育质量是可变的,有不公平的获得这些服务(佩恩,2005)。个别供应商也更容易在城市地区建立和中心,这可能是不符合政府的目的是为所有儿童提供优质教育。 在一个发展中的国家,像马拉维的情况,和在农村地区设立了社区与穷人的计划和不合格的员工。由于缺乏资源,国家层面的政策制定不可能在地上实施。可能有不合格的教师,不相关的课程,以及缺乏支持的家庭和社区。例如,孩子可能需要工作来支持家庭。在某些情况下,那里是艾滋病的家庭,他们可能会被社区因此ECEC方案可能无法接触到他们(2010克拉克和塔克)。因此,有效的儿童早期教育和保健可能不在一些最贫穷的国家,是积极的,因此孩子不可能受益于联合国儿童权利公约。
Inequality of quality and access as private sectors tend to cater to the affluent and not set up in poorer regions of the countries. For example, in USA, ECEC is left to individual providers so the quality of care and education is variable and there is inequitable access to these services (Penn, 2005). Individual providers are also more likely to set up ECEC centres in urban areas and this may be incompatible with the government aim to provide quality education for all children. In the case of a developing country, like Malawi, the ECEC set up in rural areas are community-based with poor program and unqualified staff. Policies develop at national level may not be implemented accordingly at ground level due to lack of resources. There may be unqualified teachers, irrelevant curriculum as well as lack of support from the families and community. For example, the children may need to work to support the families. In some cases where there is AIDS in the families, they may be ostracized by the communities and therefore ECEC programmes may not be accessible to them (Clark & Tucker, 2010). As such, the effectiveness of early childhood education and care may not be positive and thus children in some of the poorest countries may not benefit from UNCRC.