
7 年前 289次浏览 美国密歇根大学论文代写:支持计划已关闭评论

第2阶段的支持计划是到位的,因为约翰只允许一个成年人分享他的空间,他会移动到不同地区的托儿所,但抵制尝试从其他成年人或儿童在房间里的互动,他的发挥仍然孤独,并限制在他最喜欢的玩具。基于干预类似dir /地板时间模型玩(ICDL 2000),并用他感兴趣的车,工作人员鼓励约翰在自由发挥,分享他的玩具花上几分钟。眼睛接触建立,他指出,以提请注意。征求意见,从短期的意见和响应小组(启动),由于持续关注与语音和语言和社会交往。他们建议放一张照片时间表,以帮助约翰管理和预测他的一天。3级支持计划成立“约翰”是指学前评估小组(前滚)输入从教育心理学和学前儿童语言和通信资源。”约翰每周从教育心理学家那里投入3天,每周也有托儿所2天。然后他被提到自闭症小组进行评估。他说的第一句话开始出现在4½年。”约翰延期入学一年。他过渡到学校是非常密集的,定期访问,花时间与他的班主任,支持人员和建立意识他的周围。约翰取得了显著的进步,但他仍然发现自己的日常工作难以应付,同时也无法发起并维持与同龄人的互动。他现在参加每周2天的公立学校和特殊学校每周3天,以及在我成立后的学校护理。如果没有工作人员、其他机构和专业人员的支持和成功合作,这一结果将不大可能实现。


A Stage 2 Support Plan was put in place as John would only allow one adult to share his space, he would move to different areas of the nursery but resisted attempts of interaction from other adults or children in the room and his play remained solitary and restricted to his favourite toys. Using play based intervention similar to the DIR/Floortime Model (ICDL 2000), and using his interest in cars, staff encouraged John to spend a few minutes at free play sharing his toys. Eye contact was established and he pointed in order to draw attention . Advice was sought from Short Term Advice and Response Team (START), due to ongoing concerns with speech and language and social interaction. They advised putting a photo timetable in place to help John manage and predict his day. A Stage 3 Support Plan was set up and 'John' was referred to the Pre-school Assessment Team (PRE SCAT) for input from Educational Psychology and a Preschool Language and Communication Resource. 'John' attended this resource 3 days per week as well as nursery 2 days per week with input from an Educational Psychologist. He was then referred to the Autism team for assessment. His first spoken words appeared at 4 ½ years. 'John' deferred entry to school for one year. His transition to school was very intensive, visiting regularly to spend time with his class teacher, support staff and to build awareness of his surroundings. 'John' has made significant progress but continues to find changes to his routine difficult to cope with as well as an inability to initiate and sustain interaction with peers. He now attends mainstream school 2 days per week and special school 3 days per week as well as After School Care in my establishment. This outcome would have been unlikely without the support and successful collaboration of staff, other agencies and professionals.

