
6 年前 328次浏览 美国明尼苏达论文代写:伊利诺斯州教育已关闭评论

伊利诺斯州教育委员会(ISBE)是负责监督为残疾儿童提供服务的机构,包括那些为3至5岁的儿童服务的学龄前儿童。ISBE 2005年至2009年的数据还显示,接受特殊教育服务的学生人数有所增加。此外,报告还显示,在2005年至2009年期间,除英语以外的其他语言的残疾学生人数增加了100.8%。虽然这些学生中大多数是说西班牙语的,但说其他语言的学生比例也在增加。2005年,伊利诺斯州有30种语言或方言被残疾学生使用。到2009年,数据显示,有101种语言或方言被认为是残疾学生使用的语言。此外,1663名学生在2005年被识别出30种语言或方言。2009年,3151名学生使用了101种语言和方言。ISBE的数据还显示,年龄在3到5岁之间的学生数量增加,他们被认定为LEP学生。在2005-2006学年,483名被识别的LEP学生增加了113名。到2009-2010学年,百分比为1029。类似的增加也适用于所有由B部分资助的年龄组。虽然早期的儿童项目和早期干预项目已经被用于服务有限的英语熟练的儿童,但学生的家庭和学校管理人员往往对所提供的项目的类型和强度存在分歧。文化上对教育和特殊教育的看法经常是学校和家庭之间差异的根源。


The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) is the agency charged with overseeing the provision of services to children with identified disabilities including those in preschool programs serving 3 to 5 year old children. ISBE's data for 2005 to 2009 also reveal an increase in the number of students receiving special education services. In addition, it also shows that the number of students with disabilities who speak languages other than English has increased by 100.8 percent between 2005 and 2009. While the majority of those students are Spanish speakers, there has also been an increase in the percentage of students who speak other languages. In 2005, there were 30 identified languages or dialects spoken in Illinois by students with disabilities. By 2009, the data revealed that 101 languages or dialects were identified as being spoken by students with disabilities. In addition, 1663 students were identified as speaking the 30 languages or dialects identified in 2005. In 2009 the 101 languages and dialects were being spoken by 3151 students. The ISBE's data also revealed an increase in the number of students between the ages of 3 to 5 who were identified as LEP students. During the 2005-2006 school year, The 483 identified LEP students had increased by 113.percent to 1029 by the 2009-2010 school year. Similar increases were noted for all age groups funded under Part B of IDEA.. Though early childhood programs and early intervention programs have been employed to service limited English proficient children, students' families and school administration often disagree on the types and the intensity of the programs to be provided. Culturally based perceptions about education and special education are frequently the source of differences between schools and families

