
7 年前 321次浏览 美国南卡罗来纳论文代写:冷战已关闭评论


民主的美国的南越的政治意识形态的冲突和共产主义苏联在越南北部导致产生大量难民的越南战争《出埃及记》后的西贡政权在1975年。成百上千的冒险穿过危险的东南亚海域,被称为船民(联合国难民署,1993;historylearningsite.co。英国,2000 - 2010)。下面的表2显示了累积的越南船民在东亚和东南亚之间的1976年和1992年。


The Cold War that preceded the early 1990s witnessed the Soviet Union and the United States providing ideological, political, economic, and military aid to those who presided over governments or who opposed governments. This often instigated proxy wars, insurrections, and armed resistances (Keely, 1996; Schmeidl, online, 1997). According to Schmeidl, while internal conflicts prevailed between governments and insurgency groups over the distribution of political power and state resources, foreign governments frequently used them as pawns in the game of political camaraderie. This provided the environment for severe human rights violations. As a result, refugee situations were exacerbated in El Salvador, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Horn of Africa, Nicaragua, and Angola (Keely, 1996).

The clash of democratic American political ideology in South Vietnam and that of Communist Soviet Union in North Vietnam led to the Vietnam War that produced a massive refugee exodus following the fall of the Saigon regime in 1975. The hundreds of thousands, who ventured across the perilous South East Asian seas, became known as the boat people (UNHCR, 1993; historylearningsite.co.uk, 2000-2010). Table 2 below shows the cumulative arrival of Vietnamese Boat People in East and South East Asia between 1976 and 1992.

