
8 年前 365次浏览 美国普渡大学西拉法叶分校论文代写:MFE已关闭评论

MFE打算减轻负担的牲畜的农民提高动物在室内。而奶牛主要依靠农民的供应鲜切草从遥远的地区和使用自己的或雇佣运输变得必要和不可靠的。这种情况需要减少对动物的饲料量进而影响生产水平不足所带来的牛奶产量和产蛋喂饲料价格高企所造成的。饲料价格范围从。23000 - 29000先令每袋50公斤收取的现有企业,猎鹰,a - z等,因为他们使用昂贵的全谷物和严重依赖季节性。相反,MFE将使用酿造废物中许多现成的最低价,但几乎没有市场。这将使该公司能够利用优质饲料饲养禽畜的农民以降低价格,提高产量。干啤酒废弃物将花费Tshs.3反对Tshs.150每公斤的谷物麸,虽然提要均价约19500先令。每袋50公斤,这是现行价格水平相比便宜约35%。本担保公司在市场上获得持久的保持和维护竞争优势提供一致的优质牲畜饲料的供应。


MFE intends to ease the burden of livestock farmers raising their animals indoors. While dairy cattle farmers rely mainly on the supply of fresh cut grasses from distant areas and the use of either own or hired transport becomes imperative and unreliable. This situation necessitates a cut on the amount of feed given to the animals which in turn affects production level in the milk yields and egg laying resulting from inadequate feeding caused by the high feed prices. Feed price ranges from Tshs. 23,000-29,000 per 50kg bag charged by existing firms like Igo, Falcon, A-Z, etc because they use the whole cereal grains which are costly and being heavily dependent on seasonality. To the contrary, MFE will use brewing wastes that are plenty in Dar-es-Salaam but have virtually no market readily available. This will enable the firm to avail good quality feeds to livestock farmers at reduced prices that will boost their production. Dried brewing wastes will cost Tshs.3 against Tshs.150 per kilo of grain brans, while average feeds price will be about Tshs. 19,500 per 50 kg bag, this being approximately 35% cheaper compared to the prevailing price level. This guarantee the firm to acquire a durable stay in the market and maintain a competitive advantage by offering consistent supply of good quality livestock feed.

