
6 年前 344次浏览 美国商科作业代写:很强的信念已关闭评论



Workplace by individuals who have their own point of view to see the world. Some employees have a strong belief, they are not willing to compromise. These beliefs can conflict with colleagues, resulting in conflict. For example, if a person is strongly opposed to diversity in the workplace, may be difficult to accept his other workers. In order to avoid conflict with these workers, he must try to accept or initiate more tolerant of those different values. In dealing with conflict, the most important and consistent element is open, honest and clear communication. Few people regard themselves as poor communicators, it is the bounden duty of management, particularly those that require their employees, how they communicate feedback, and how, in the case of conflict can improve. Important that the staff can be assured of recrimination, to say the truth, no two people are exactly the same freedom. Therefore, the personality conflicts in the workplace is inevitable. An employee may have a reserved personality, while another may be more outgoing and forward-looking. Problems, the two do not understand or do not respect each other’s inherent nature. For example, employees may feel more outgoing personality is more introverted workers contempt, if not more with him. He might think it is a very small, not only is the personality of the staff. In addition, his practice handling the project may be analytical, and she is intuitive. Conflict when the two do not understand, and respect each other, “bigger, more complex distributed organizations, the heavier the parties to communicate effectively, it is difficult to achieve exactly the right person. Addition, the working group loyalty can be a powerful, territory, another group often browse hostile invasion. lot of time and energy is wasted in the address this is not a normal conflicts. competition for limited resources is also a factor in conflict. typical example here is usually normal budget requirements exceed the available funds which may be the most common source of conflict and the most familiar in all tissues When you create expectations and did not realize, may lead to a lot of negative did not honor the commitment to the customer, voluntary overtime, less than expected wage growth and the allocation of resources to different departments do not have to explain a great deal of – These are some simple examples, leading to a conflict between the customer and the company, the employees and management personnel and departments.

