
6 年前 361次浏览 美国社会学论文代写:遵循社会规范已关闭评论



arguments for following the norms of the society are extreme. People are not just programmed to accept everything without questioning it or improving it. However, Fahad seems to argue that people can make their own choices and decisions based on their own free will, which is unlikely. As communitarians argue, people are influenced by their societies, and this influence plays greatly onto the choices that people believe they are making out of their own free will. People can have a freedom of choice, as he points out, however this will not emerge out of nothing. Even though people might think that they are making a purely objective decision, there is always some subjectivity that will come into play. Communitarians draw from the conservative thought the importance of traditions; however, people are not obliged to follow these traditions. They exist to unify the people and create a sense of belonging in the society. Furthermore, they affect the way people make decisions and how they essentially live their lives, as some traditions cannot be eliminated from people’s lives. This draws on Rawls’s use of the veil of ignorance. This is an imaginary veil where people are in an original position where they know nothing about anything that defines who they are [18] . People are supposed to ignore these ideals and values and focus on remaining neutral and objective in order to make decisions that would benefit all the people. These decisions are supposedly right in that people reach them through rational and selfless thinking. Besides it being a difficult practical concept, it is also flawed. People cannot just assume that they know nothing about their lives and forget everything they are connected to. Their society and ideals will come into play at some point and it will influence their decisions. It is false to assume that a rational decision is a right decision just because it is rational. People cannot be fully rational, they will always have something affecting the way they think, no matter how insignificant it might seem. Therefore, communitarianism stresses on the importance of the society in individuals’ lives because the society shapes people and many things within the society can easily have an impact on them. Rawls’s theory of justice through the veil of ignorance is thus inaccurate, because, as communitarians argue, “the standards of justice must be found in forms of life and traditions of particular societies and hence can vary from context to context.” [19] Furthermore, communitarians see the “moral agency” of making decisions always existing “within the context of a particular structure of traditions and practices, manifested in the life of a community.”

