
5 年前 351次浏览 美国社会学paper代写:阿根廷的供水覆盖率已关闭评论

截至1947年,布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷)供水覆盖率高达97%。然而,当时负责供水的国有企业发现,随着时间的推移很难满足日益增长的需求。到1980年,只有不到60%的家庭有自来水,水质呈螺旋式下降。阿根廷的政府决定将私有化作为提高效率的一种手段,并寻求满足迅速增长的需求所必需的扩张。然而,在这之前,为了保护投资者和消费者的利益,制定了必要的法规。这些监管工作耗资400万美元,历时两年多才完成。最后,政府在1993年拍卖了供水服务。获胜的投资者同意将价格在公有基础上降低27%,并在前5年每年投资2亿美元。这一数字比公有财产的数额,即2 000万至4 000万美元,有了天文数字的增长。服务合同中包括了关于扩展目标的规定。在接管政权后,私人投资者开始了精简业务和降低成本的过程,员工数量减少了45%。


As at 1947, coverage for water distribution in Buenos Aires (Argentina) stood at an impressive 97% of households. However, the state owned enterprise responsible for water at the time, found it difficult to meet increasing demand as time progressed. By 1980, less than 60% of households had a water connection, and water quality was spiraling downwards.The government of Argentina decided to privatize as a means of increasing efficiency, and to pursue the expansion necessary to fulfill burgeoning demand.However, before this was undertaken, the necessary regulations were formulated, to protect the interests of both the investors and consumers. These regulatory undertakings came at a cost of US$4 million dollars, and took more than two years to complete. Finally, in 1993 the government auctioned the water service delivery.The winning investor agreed to reduce prices by 27% from levels under public ownership, while investing US200 million annually over the first 5 years. This figure represented an astronomical increase from the levels under public ownership, which ranged between US20 million to 40 million. Stipulations regarding expansion targets were included in the service contract. After taking over the reigns, the private investor embarked on a process to streamline operations and reduce costs, which saw a 45% reduction in staff.

