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语言不是“浸泡”的,学习者必须理解传达的信息。可理解性输入是由Stephen Krashen首先提出的一种假说。他声称,好的学习语言的听力和理解,略高于当前的英语语言水平信息。”(海恩斯,2005)虽然有很多方法使输入第二语言理解学生,合作学习的目的除了学术内容学生第二语言习得的学习过程,许多负责学习。”当新人被分配到一个主流课堂,大部分时间都是在这种环境下,这是他们收到的来自老师和同学们的可理解性输入特别重要。”(海恩斯,2005)可理解性输入之外的情况下,也有一个可理解的输出需要。”据研究,学习者需要在他们的英语能力水平的语言练习的机会。这种与说英语的同伴的做法叫做可理解的输出。许多研究者认为可理解的输出几乎是输入一样重要。”(海恩斯,2005)教师创建,协作和有效地实施合作学习策略在课堂环境下英语学习者的学习提供更多的机会接受可理解的输入,以及实践的可理解输出。


Language is not 'soaked up.' The learner must understand the message that is conveyed. Comprehensible input is a hypothesis first proposed by Stephen Krashen. He purports that ELL's acquire language by hearing and understanding messages that are slightly above their current English language level." (Haynes, 2005) Although there are many ways to make input to second language students comprehensible, cooperative learning attends to many of the learning processes in second language acquisition in addition to the academic content students are responsible for learning. "When newcomers are assigned to a mainstream classroom and spend most of their day in this environment it is especially critical for them to receive comprehensible input from their teachers and classmates." (Haynes, 2005) The case for comprehensible input aside, there is also a need for comprehensible output. "According to research, learners need opportunities to practice language at their level of English language competency. This practice with English-speaking peers is called Comprehensible Output. Many researchers feel that comprehensible output is nearly as important as input." (Haynes, 2005) Teachers who create classroom environments that are collaborative and effectively implement cooperative learning strategies in lessons provide English language learners with many opportunities to receive comprehensible input as well as practice comprehensible output.

