
6 年前 335次浏览 美国数学代写essay:克服公众演讲的恐惧已关闭评论

为了克服公众演讲的恐惧,第一种方式是通过组织演讲(戈尔伯格,2016)。组织演示有几个步骤。首先,演讲者应该理解演讲的主题并组织信息(Hall Flavin,2014)。重要的是要确保信息是正确的,明确的,与主题相关的为了少犯错误,不要岔开话题。演讲者应从相关的书籍、文章、期刊和合适的网站上进行研究并获得正确的信息。其次,演讲者可以尝试记住演讲的安排(Martinuzzi,2013)。通过记住安排,有组织的信息可以帮助演讲者更自信,并在演讲中保持控制。例如,演讲者可以用幻灯片来帮助他们记忆的安排和减少公共speaking.besides恐惧,一种害怕当众讲话的原因是接收问题的扬声器的恐惧(Martinuzzi,2013)。在公众演讲,演讲者应该准备一份清单,从观众的潜在问题(Martinuzzi,2013)。这样可以提高演讲者的自信心,减少对公众演讲的恐惧。此外,对于公共演讲的恐惧的另一个原因是焦虑可能导致对方忘记或瓦解的要点。因此,演讲者可以用要点和思路进行提示卡(高德博格,2016)。然而,要点必须是点形式,而不是散文形式。提示卡帮助演讲者避免忘记要点,减少他们在舞台上做演讲的恐惧。简言之,计划演讲的这些步骤可以帮助演讲者以更自信和轻松的态度为演讲做准备。


The first way to overcome the fear of public speaking is by organizing the presentation (Golberg, 2016). There are several steps to organize the presentation. First of all, the speaker should understand the topic of the presentation and organize the information (Hall-Flavin, 2014). It is important to make sure that the information is correct, clear, and related to the topic in order to make fewer mistakes and not digress from the topic. The speaker should do research and get correct information from books, articles, journals and suitable website which are related to the topic. Secondly, the speaker can try to remember the arrangement of the speech (Martinuzzi, 2013). By remembering the arrangement, the organized information can help the speaker be more confident and remain in control during the presentation. For example, the speaker can use the presentation slides to help them remember the arrangement and reduce their fear of public speaking.besides that, one of the reasons for the fear of public speaking is the speaker fear of receiving the questions (Martinuzzi, 2013). Before speaking in public, the speaker should prepare a list of potential questions from the audience (Martinuzzi, 2013). This can increase the speaker's confidence reducing the fear of public speaking. In addition, another reason for the fear of public speaking is the anxiety that could cause the speaker to forget or disorganize the main points. Therefore, the speakers can make a cue card with the main points and ideas (Goldberg, 2016). However, the main point must be in point form and not in essay form. The cue card helps the speaker to avoid forgetting the main points and reduces their fear of giving a presentation on stage. In short, these steps in planning a presentation can help the speaker to be prepared for public speaking with a more confident and relaxed attitude.

