教师在课堂上促进合作与合作的方式“不仅仅是第二语言学习的方法论,更是学习的主题,也是学习活动中的价值所在。实例合作为主题的学习是学生作文的时候,他们或他们的采访的人曾伙同他人,或专注于一些历史或科学的许多例子表明协作行动。”(雅可布,2001)合作,合作学习因此变得比语言习得的平台那么多,而且增强了与其他人的互动,强调在所有人的价值重要性的认识。 合作学习对第二语言学习者的价值和益处是无可争辩的。合作学习不仅解决许多如果不是大多数的范式转换发生的教育如何学习最好的学生中发生,但当有效实施,创造教学情境,提高语言输入和输出,第二语言学习者的数量(实际上所有的学习者)必须能尽快的取得进步。学习成为一个激励和成功的经验,在支持团体环境!”霍尔特(1993)清楚地表明,合作利益的少数民族语言学生认知和情感上的。学生在真实的社会环境语言作为他们互相帮助,使内容和概念意义。”(Freeman,2000)和学生一起阅读文学文本,写答复或解释,调查的问题,并向全班报告他们的发现,他们在他们的社会和学术语言的发展参与者
The manner in which a teacher promotes collaboration and cooperation in the classroom "acts not just as a methodology for second language learning but also as a topic for learning and a value embraced in learning activities. Examples of cooperation as a topic for learning would be students writing compositions about the times that they or people whom they interview had collaborated with others, or focusing on some of the many examples in history or science that show collaboration in action." (Jacobs, 2001) Cooperation and cooperative learning therefore becomes so much more than a platform for language acquisition, but also enhances interactions with other people and underscores the importance of recognizing the value in all people.The value and benefits of cooperative learning to second language learners are indisputable. Not only does cooperative learning address many if not most of the paradigm shifts that have taken place in education about how learning best occurs in students, but when implemented effectively, it creates instructional situations that increase the amount of comprehensible input and output that second language learners (and indeed all learners) must have to progress as quickly as possible. Learning becomes a motivating and successful experience in supportive group environments! "Holt (1993) has shown clearly that collaboration benefits language minority students cognitively and affectively. Students develop language in authentic social contexts as they help each other make sense of content and concepts." (Freeman, 2000) As students work together to read literature and texts, write responses or paraphrase, investigate questions, and present their findings to the class, they are active participants in the development of both their social and academic language