
7 年前 307次浏览 美国特拉华论文代写:经济效益已关闭评论



Economic benefits may be generated from investments in ECEC. Governments and international agencies invest in early childhood care and education as the economic benefits generated from investment in ECEC will churn greater gains in the future because it may lower health and social risks, like crime rates. Children who are gainfully engaged in learning may be able to contribute to the economy in future. Foreign investors may invest in a country if there are skilled workers who are able to work in their industries. Investment in children will provide them with the necessary skills to attract investments and to boost the economy of the nation (Barnett as cited in Siraj-Blatchford & Woodhead, 2009).In accordance to the non-discrimination principle in UNCRC, all children may be given equal chances in life. Governments and international agencies may be committed to ensure all children have the same rights to education. Every child may have a right to education as children will learn fundamental values like moral and ethical values, acceptable attitudes in community as well as basic skills. For example, if children living in poverty are not educated, they may not be able to attain knowledge to help them move out of the poverty cycle.

