
7 年前 341次浏览 美国天普大学论文代写:技术的重要性已关闭评论



There is no question that easy access to the Internet, like the introduction of mail service and the invention of the telephone, has changed the nature of people's connection to others in their social world. Mail made possible connections among people without physical proximity, and the telephone facilitated communication among distant people, making rapid connections possible across long distances. But has this communication revolution changed the pure nature of interpersonal and group processes? On the one hand, since the primary use of the Internet is communication, some people might speculate that the Internet will have positive social consequences in people's everyday lives because it increases the frequency and quality of interpersonal communications among people. People with easy access to others would feel better connected and more strongly supported by others, leading to happiness and engagement in families, organizations, communities, and society more generally. But, on the other hand, the ease of electronic communication may lead to weaker social ties, because people have less reason to leave their homes and actually interact face to face with other people. The Internet allows people to more easily work from their home, to form and sustain friendships and even romantic attachments from their home, to bank from their home, to vote and engage in political and social issue based discussions with others. In this modern high-tech world, the mobile phones have become an inseparable object from our daily life. The handset are gaining its importance in today's world because of their communication features. Therefore it can be said that mobile phones have turned out to be one of the most popular additions to style statements. These devices can be seen out among people of all ages, all over the world. Many people consider that without mobile phone, they cannot imagine their life; both in terms of necessity and in terms of a fashion statement.

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