
7 年前 243次浏览 美国威斯康星论文代写:真理的治愈能力已关闭评论

直到最近几年,受害者和幸存者总值的侵犯人权得到小考虑处理罪犯的形成机制。例如,在一些场合建立了国际刑事法庭或国家将国际罪行的人绳之以法,受害者的角色和权利通常是次要的考虑因素(Garkawe 2003)。然而,自1970年的有国内犯罪的受害者的权利意识的加强,在发展中国家,因此更多的注意力已严重侵犯人权的受害者。在1980年代,成立真相委员会被视为一种手段,处理一个国家的过去,可以说的更多潜在的受害者。进一步这个论点,真相委员会能够提供更多的同情和支持环境受害者告诉他们的“故事”提供的更正式的刑事审判程序。除此之外,他们有可能更对受害者的心理,金融和象征性的需要(Garkawe 2003)。


Until recent years, victims and survivors of gross violations of human rights have been given little consideration in the formation of mechanisms dealing with perpetrators. For example, on the few occasions where international or national criminal courts were established to bring the perpetrators of international crimes to justice, the role and rights of victims were generally a secondary consideration (Garkawe 2003). However, since the 1970's there has been a greater awareness of the rights of victims of domestic crime in developing countries and as a result more attentiveness has been given to victims of gross human rights violations. In the 1980's, the formation of truth commissions was seen as an alternative means of dealing with a nation's past, of which one could argue has a great deal more potential for victims. Further to this argument, truth commissions were able to provide a more sympathetic and supportive environment for victims to tell their 'stories' than that provided by the more formal proceedings of criminal trials. In addition to this they had the potential to be more responsive to victim's psychological, financial and symbolic needs (Garkawe 2003).

