
7 年前 263次浏览 美国西弗吉尼亚论文代写:激励的课堂环境已关闭评论

学习的最重要的方面之一是一个激励的课堂环境,并发展课堂团体,积极合作,朝着共同的目标正在成为一个规范,教育工作者认识到在学习过程中的群体动态的价值。Robert Gardner的研究在L2动机的研究表明,有一个“社会心理阶段”的学习的学生。因为L2学习受到过多的社会因素,包括态度、文化观念和地缘政治的考虑,学习L2与其他学科有不同的过程。”(Kubanyiova,2006)认为,“许多手做轻工作”和团队更通用的缩写历史谚语(大家一起实现更多)。”班级组会对学习效果产生重大影响。”(Dornyei,2003)事实上,在一个“好”组,二语课堂原来可以如此愉快的和鼓舞人心的,花的时间有一个恒定的对教师和学生的成功和满足感的来源环境。即使有人承诺将国旗,他或她的同龄人可能会“拉”的人在坚持提供必要的动力。”(Dornyei,2003)实施的时候,合作学习是许多英语语言学习者在课堂上的社会因素和心理因素的一个可行的解决方案。


One of the most important aspects of learning is a motivating classroom environment, and developing classroom groups that positively work together toward a common goal are becoming more a norm as educators recognize the value of group dynamics in the learning process. Robert Gardner's work in L2 motivation research suggests that there is a 'social psychological phase' of learning in the ELL student. "Because the learning of an L2 is influenced by a plethora of social factors, including attitudes, cultural stereotypes and geopolitical considerations, learning an L2 is a considerably distinct process from that of other school subjects." (Kubanyiova, 2006) Consider the historical proverbs of "many hands making light work" and the more current acronym of TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More). "The class group can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of learning." (Dornyei, 2003) As a matter of fact, in a "good" group, the L2 classroom can turn out to be such a pleasant and inspiring environment that the time spent there is a constant source of success and satisfaction for teachers and learners alike. And even if someone's commitment should flag, his or her peers are likely to 'pull' the person along by providing the necessary motivation to persist." (Dornyei, 2003) When implemented well, cooperative learning is a viable solution to many of the social and psychological factors that English Language Learners face in the regular classroom.

