
7 年前 286次浏览 美国夏威夷论文代写:学习而不是教学已关闭评论

教育经历了一个范式转变近年来重点向学习而不是教学。学习不再被视为知识的单向过程transferral /分布,而是被认为是一个转型的过程中,学习者获得事实、理论和原则作为解决问题的概念性工具在有意义的语境和推理。远程教育(DL)没有免疫这一转变和近几十年的技术发展加速了变化的速度。远程教育被定义为学习者和教师的分离时间和/或空间(Teaster Blieszner,1999)和基冈(1995)认为,从学习者和教师的技术分离结果,删除的必要性“旅行到一个固定的地方…在一个固定的时间…满足一个固定的人……为了训练或教育”(28日)。虽然远程学习可能被认为是一个相对较新的术语,它以各种形式存在了一百多年,开始通过函授课程,以这种方式继续,直到被教学取代电视和广播在20世纪中期.


Education has undergone a paradigm shift in recent years with emphasis moving towards learning rather than teaching. Learning is no longer regarded as a unidirectional process of knowledge transferral/distribution, but rather is considered a transformational process in which learners acquire facts, theories and principles as conceptual tools for problem-solving and reasoning within meaningful contexts. Distance learning (DL) has not been immune to this shift and the technological developments of recent decades has hastened the rate of change. Distance learning is defined by the separation of learner and teacher in space and/or time (Teaster and Blieszner, 1999) and Keegan (1995) considers that it results from the technological separation of learner and teacher which removes the necessity of "travelling to a fixed place...at a fixed time...to meet a fixed person...in order to be trained or educated" (p.7). Although distance learning might be thought of as a relatively new term, it has existed in various forms for over a hundred years, starting life through correspondence courses and continuing in this way until being superseded by instructional television and radio in the mid 20th century

