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“导师制是一种动力,双向互利的关系(starcevich,2009)。导师是促进者,教师让教练发现自己的方向”(starcevich,2009)。导师已被建议,作为一个可行的框架,教练知识的发展(缓冲等,2003)。以前的研究(Bloom et al.,1998,垫和琼斯,2001,吉尔伯特和特鲁德尔,2001)表明,非正式的指导已经在指导社区建立的实践。此外,研究强调,有经验的和其他教练的教练和教练文化的技术方面的收购(垫,2007)的教练的重要来源的发展。在试图利用的指导过程,在一个更结构化的方式布卢姆等,(1998)研究了各种培训方法提供给教练。他们发现大多数教练都参与了一个非正式的指导体系,他们在晚年成为导师。基于这些结果,作者提出了指导教练发展中发挥了重要作用。指导,虽然,一个高效的neophtye教练员知识源,在其目前的形式是非正式的,非结构化和可复制现有的文化,指导实践和权力关系(垫和琼斯,2001)。例如,不惜一切代价赢得文化(垫和琼斯,2001)或一个专制的教练方法,那么这个训练方法更可能是通过在新教练。然而,它复制当前的做法,哲学和教练行为。因此,如果教练被认为是一个重要的来源,在教练的发展,导师需要建立适当的位置教练层次。导师必须具备必要的社会,文化,和象征性的经验,包括技术、战术和交往技能,允许发展他/她自己的指导原则和实践的新教练。


"Mentoring is a power free, two-way mutually beneficial relationship (Starcevich, 2009). Mentors are facilitators and teachers allowing the coach to discover their own direction" (Starcevich, 2009). Mentoring has been suggested, as a viable framework, for the development of coaching knowledge (Cushion et al., 2003). Previous research (Bloom et al., 1998, Cushion and Jones, 2001, Gilbert and Trudel, 2001) indicated that informal mentoring is already an established practice in the coaching community. Furthermore, research has highlighted that experienced and other coaches are important sources of development for coaches for the acquisition of the technical aspects of coaching and the coaching culture (Cushion, 2007). In an attempt to utilize the mentoring process in a more structure manner Bloom et al., (1998) examined the various training methods available to coaches. They found that the majority of coaches participate in a mentoring system largely informal in which they themselves become mentors in their later years. Based on these results the authors proposed that mentoring played an important role in coach development. Mentoring, although, a highly effective source of knowledge for neophtye coaches, in its current form is, informal, and unstructured and serves to reproduce existing culture, coaching practices, and power relations (Cushion and Jones, 2001). For example, the culture of winning at all costs (Cushion and Jones, 2001) or an authoritarian approach to coaching then this coaching method is more than likely to be passed onto the neophyte coach. However it serves to replicate current practices, philosophies and coaching behaviours. Therefore, if mentoring is to be considered a critical source in the development of coaches, mentors need to have established the appropriate position in the coaching hierarchy. Mentors must then possess the necessary social, cultural, and symbolic experience including the technical, tactical and interaction skills that allow for the neophyte coach to develop his/her own coaching principles and practices.

