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弗兰肯斯坦的功率几乎像是胜利者的目标。他想取得强大的地位。权力的影响来自于他在大学周围的人。例如M. Waldman就是维克托想成为;他的力量感和知识只是鼓舞人心。”一千方面他抚平我知识的道路”,强调“他把我“阐明M. Walman关注胜利者,让他在一个更高层次的科学发展的能力。这表明,他把M. Walmanas他有什么怪人渴望最。小说中人物的力量是倒转的,这可能表明你不仅仅是天生的,你可以用正确的信息获得它。怪物会有几本书,“我无法向你描述的影响,这些书在他自己的一切。“他就像一个孩子第一次学习虽然他选择在他毁灭的科学怪人和亲人环绕他周围,怪物不分离。只有来自维克托而是来自社会,这可能是因为怪物渴望爱和友谊,但是他知道他永远无法体会他看到他周围,这一结果在暴力犯罪,他犯的爱。“我是恶意的因为我是可怜的。”“恶意”强调的怪物知道他是邪恶的但这是唯一的方法,他将注意力从维克托。他只是渴望一个朋友或者被社会接受,他知道自己看起来不正常,但他只是想被接受。当他意识到自己永远不会适应,权力接管了,他想摧毁一切和他的道路上的每一个人。魔鬼和维克托达成协议,几乎像是在和魔鬼做交易,魔鬼要求一个新娘说他愿意放弃维克托所爱的人,如果他同意他的要求的话。对雪莱来说,身体就是命运。如果说丑恶是助长怪物社会排斥的因素,那就是驱使他复仇的美丽:他摧毁了他所不能拥有的东西。


In Frankenstein as power is almost like a goal for Victor. He wants to achieve a powerful status. The influence of power comes from the people that surround him at university. For example M.Waldman is what Victor wants to become; his sense of power and knowledge is just inspiring.“In a thousand ways he smoothed me for the path of knowledge.” The emphasis on the phrase "he smoothed me" clarifies that M.Walman focused on Victors ability to allow him to progress at a higher level of science. This demonstrates that he looks up to M.Walmanas he has what Frankenstein craves the most. Power within the characters reverses throughout the novel, this could be to show that you’re not just born into power you can earn it with the correct information. The monster learns everything on his own with the help of a few books" I can hardly describe to you the effects of these books." He is like a child learning for the first time although he chooses to use the power within him to destroy Frankenstein and the loved ones that surround him.Thesufferings that isolate the monster not only come from Victor but from society, this could be because the monster longs for love and companionship, however he realises he can never experience the love he sees around him so this results in the violent crimes he commits."I am malicious because I am miserable." The word "malicious" highlights the fact the monster knows he is evil yet it's the only way he is going to get attention from Victor. He is just longing for a friend or to be accepted within society he knows that he does not look 'normal' but he just wants to be accepted. When he realises that he will never fit in, power takes over and he wants to destroy everything and everyone in his path. Making a deal with Victor almost as if making a deal with the devil, the monster asks for a bride saying he is willing to spare Victor's loved ones if he agrees to his demands. “For Shelley, body is fate. If it is ugliness that fuels the monsters social exclusion, it is beauty that drives his revenge: he destroys what he cannot possess.”

