
8 年前 296次浏览 美国印第安纳论文代写:奥斯康电信已关闭评论



OTH's mission statement clearly defines the purpose of its existence, which is the indicator of how it is going to operate currently as well as in the future. OTH's business activities will mainly focus on increasing value of all of its stakeholders. They will be looking to improve there services as much as they can to facilitate customers and to enhance them. It will also be looking at enhancing its business to new regions. One of its major focuses is to maximize the wealth of its shareholders. So, OTH will try to provide maximum return to its shareholders. This will encourage the investors to put more money into the company.OTH is not only limited to ensure customers' and shareholders' success but also of its employees. It will be strengthening its HR practices to handle employees more efficiently and provide them better growth opportunities. Empowering employees is always favorable for the company as its increase their motivation level. Orascom Telecom will be looking to achieve this target. And finally it will be focusing to act in a more socially responsible manner by maximizing the welfare of the community through its services and by responding to changing needs of the society.

