
5 年前 311次浏览 美国语言学作业代写:作品共鸣已关闭评论



Mantles description regarding her writing resonates with me. In my work, this is precisely what I am attempting: to bring to life a real person who died. I try to uncover the real Shafilea, how she felt, thought and what her ambitions and desires were. I am aware that I cannot truly know the answer to those questions but this is where the facts I have and my imagination meet. The writers quoted describe their writing process as some sort of going deep into a place of darkness and bringing back to light something. If the dark represents the dominion of the dead then this conceptualises the assertion that to enter into the Underworld and bring back to light someone or something is a resurrection. This problematizes the route and directions to the Underworld. In the absence of a map to guide a writer, each writers journey is individual and further compounded by their own lived experiences. For Rainer Rilke the way to the underworld was clear: ‘We, local and ephemeral as we are […] keep on crossing over and over to our predecessors, to our descent, and to those who apparently come after us’[9]. Cixous offers her experience, in Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing, she invokes a metaphorical ladder which represents the writing. This ladder is one that has been frequented by those authors with whom she feels an affinity[10]. She explains, ‘To use this ladder has a descending movement, because the ascent, which evokes effort and difficulty, is towards the bottom.’

